Business communication has changed in recent years due to the new technologies, the growing demands for intercultural communication skills, the changing person-organization relationship and the global nature of organizations. Both organizations and customers benefit from certain advantages provided by the use of online communication in the business environment, with great possibilities for interaction and individualization. This paper highlights the role and importance of online communication in the business environment, focusing on the way in which online communication between customers and companies takes place. The results of a survey I conducted on this topic suggest that online communication between customers and companies has both advantages and disadvantages, but the positive aspects prevail over the negative ones. The study shows that customers remain loyal to companies with which they have a positive online interaction, more than half of the respondents attaching great importance to the way in which they communicate online with the companies whose customers they are. This article is addressed to any person interested in the role of online communication between a company and its customers, as well as to any entrepreneur who carries out their professional activity in the online environment.