The communication of public institutions in Romania characterized by transparency, citizen orientation, efficiency and timely information has been subjected to unusual pressure in the health crisis triggered in early 2020 by the COVID-19 pandemic. Expectations of the media and the general public towards public institutions on communication rhythm and transparency have not diminished, even if the institutions that were in charge of protecting public health were mostly in the forefront of the attention. In this context, the Social Assistance and Child Protective Services of Timis County has adapted to the communication style by quickly developing those communication tools that it has created since 2019 - social media page on Facebook, groups on WhatsApp application, website, etc. Tools that did not seem urgent before the measures of social distancing and electronic services that the state of necessity has imposed have emerged as new everyday realities for the entire Romanian society. This article analyzes the innovative way of communication adopted by the Social Assistance and Child Protective Services of Timiș county in the context of the pandemic and the new means of communication used to meet the institution's objectives.